This clause applies to purchases of Goods made on all Replica Jewelry Sale Platforms and in Store.
You may use gift voucher as payment for certain Goods on all Replica Jewelry Sale Platforms. Gift vouchers are available to purchase Replica Jewelry and in Store. You are responsible for the use and safety of gift vouchers you purchase and you should treat them like cash. We assume no liability for the loss, theft or illegibility of gift vouchers, including if gift vouchers are used without permission, if your email is hacked or subject to unauthorised used.
We monitor the issue and redemption of gift vouchers. If we suspect fraud or misuse we may terminate your access to your account or require a different means of payment. We may block gift cards if notified by law enforcement that a gift cards have been fraudulently obtained.
Gift vouchers are valid for 3 years from the date of issue. Any balance that remains after the 3 years will be forfeited and not be available for use.
To redeem a gift voucher you must satisfy the following conditions:
- You may purchase gift vouchers for use on the Website by you or other customers. Gift vouchers can be redeemed at the checkout or added to your account. Once issued, gift cards cannot be transferred. Gift vouchers can only be redeemed on a Replica Jewelry Sale Platform in accordance with the special terms stated on them.
- Gift voucher purchases may be subject to security checks from time to time at our discretion.
- Gift vouchers are valid for 36 months from purchase date. Any unredeemed balance that remains on the fifth vouchers after the 36 months will be forfeited and will not be available for use.
- If you place an Order less than the value of the gift voucher, the residual credit will be stored to your account and can be used for future purchases, but the residual credit cannot be redeemed for cash. If the credit of a gift voucher is insufficient for the Order you wish to make, you must make up the difference through payment by other means. You may use as many gift vouchers as you wish in paying for an Order. Gift vouchers may be used in conjunction with for an Order if such store credit and gift vouchers are in the same name.
- The credit of a gift voucher does not accrue interest nor can it be redeemed or refunded for cash at any time. Gift vouchers cannot be used to buy further gift vouchers.
If we, at our discretion, provide any store credit, the conditions for using store credit are as follows:
- Store credit is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. Any balance that remains after the 12 months will be forfeited and not be available for use.
- Store credit does not accrue interest, nor can it be redeemed or refunded for cash at any time.
- Store credit cannot be used to purchase gift cards.
- Gift vouchers and store credit can be used on sale items.